Visit of Profa. Anna Wiedemann

In September we received the visit of Professor Anna Wiedemann. She is a professor at the Institute of Business Information Technology at the University of Applied Sciences Zurich (ZHAW) and has worked mainly in ​​DevOps.

Lecture information:

Title: Achieving Product Orientation in DevOps Teams

Abstract: Changes in IT organization and technology environments make it necessary to adapt and review how mission-critical IT functions align with firm strategy. IT functions increasingly use cross-functional teams to manage the lifecycle of digital solutions. As cross-functional teams begin to alter how we develop and maintain software, they may also result in control–alignment misfits that diminish the efficacy of functional project and operations controls. With the help of qualitative research methods, we examine how the integration of product-oriented cross-functional teams challenges and transforms the IT function. We apply grounded theory and derive models that give insights into how alignment between development and operations can be achieved in DevOps teams within the IT function.
