Keynote by Breno at MSSiS-CBSoft 2019

Breno is keynote speaker at the Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Software-Intensive Systems (MSSiS), one of the workshops of the 10th edition of The Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2019).

In his talk, he will discuss the role of simulation in software engineering research, and compile the existing processes and guidelines into a comprehensive life cycle.

Visit of Dr. Andrea Ceccarelli

In July we received the visit of Dr. Andrea Ceccarelli, from the University of Florence, Italy. Andrea was visiting UNICAMP for three weeks, as part of the ADVANCE project. His main research interests are the design, monitoring and experimental evaluation of critical and secure systems and systems of systems.

As part of his visit, Andrea held a seminar entitled On anomaly-based intrusion detection: from algorithms evaluation to algorithms selection, in which he discussed ongoing work on evaluating and selecting anomaly detection algorithms in the security domain.

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Talk by Dr. András Vörös

On last Friday we received the visit of Dr. András Vörös from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, who gave a talk on his research activities. The talk addressed various aspect of the modeling and verification of embedded systems, using model-driven techniques.

András and the Fault-Tolerant Systems Research Group are part of the recently started ADVANCE project, in which the LASER team is also involved. As part of his work on the project, András is spending one month in Brazil, working with researchers of INPE in São José dos Campos (SP) and in Natal (RN).
