The “Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems” (ADVANCE) research project has started this year with the participation of researchers from LASER, working on the challenges of future cyber-physical systems.
ADVANCE is an Horizon 2020 project, funded by the European Union under the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) scheme, in which research is performed by exchange of researchers between the partners and transfer of knowledge activities.
The Kick-Off meeting of the project and first Transfer of Knowledge workshop were held in Florence, Italy, in the beginning of February 2019.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are complex systems where the physical aspects are deeply integrated with the communication and computing (cyber) parts providing physical systems with new “intelligent” capabilities. Examples for CPS include autonomous transportation, Industry 4.0 or Internet of Things (IoT) systems.
The tight interaction with the physical world often means that CPSs, if not operating properly, can cause harm to users and/or the environment. Therefore the verification and validation (V&V) of such systems is a must. The project will study the the V&V methods and the data analysis techniques that are efficient and effective for the new challenges in cyber-physical systems. The goal of the project is to form an international network of organizations working on a joint research and training program.
The duration of the project is 4 years, and the consortium is composed of 7 partner organizations, including UNICAMP and INPE from Brazil:
- Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Per L’Informatica (Italy)
- Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
- Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
- ResilTech s.r.l. (Italy)
- Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Brazil)