Visit of Dr. Andrea Ceccarelli

In July we received the visit of Dr. Andrea Ceccarelli, from the University of Florence, Italy. Andrea was visiting UNICAMP for three weeks, as part of the ADVANCE project. His main research interests are the design, monitoring and experimental evaluation of critical and secure systems and systems of systems.

As part of his visit, Andrea held a seminar entitled On anomaly-based intrusion detection: from algorithms evaluation to algorithms selection, in which he discussed ongoing work on evaluating and selecting anomaly detection algorithms in the security domain.

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Working on Automated Adaptation at Carnegie Mellon University

The last months have seen an intense collaboration between LASER and the ABLE research group from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, USA.

Sheila Venero, PhD student from LASER, and her supervisor, Prof. Cecília Rubira, spent a period there to work on the topic of automated adaptation and automated planning. Sheila’s PhD exchange was funded by the Santander Scholarships Program, for a duration of four months.

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