November has been an intense month in Natal, RN, as it hosted different events related to the computer systems community.
On days November 19th-21st, Natal hosted the 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC 2019), the major event on systems dependability in the Central and South America regions. This year, LADC was co-located with the Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC). LADC 2019 saw a strong participation of researchers from LASER, starting from the Program Committee, chaired by Leonardo together with Luciana Arantes from Sorbonne University.
The program also featured important contributions from our research group. Wallace Cardoso, PhD student supervised by Eliane Martins, presented the paper “Combining State and Interface-Based Robustness Testing for OpenStack Components”, which was also among the four candidates to the best paper award.
Another contribution was the short paper “Deploying Privacy as a Service within a Cloud-Based Framework”, resulting from the Master’s work of Jorge da Silva in the context of the ATMOSPHERE project. Finally, Prof. Eliane Martins participated in the panel that closed the event, providing her insights on the topic “Upcoming Challenges in the Construction of Dependable Systems”.
In the same period, Natal was hosting activities related to the ADVANCE project. On November 21th, co-located with LADC, researchers from the ADVANCE team organized the 1st Workshop on vAlidation and verification in FuturE cybeR-physical Systems (WAFERS). On day 18th the second plenary meeting and transfer-of-knowledge event of the project took place in the INPE premises. Researchers from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, will then spend some more time in Natal, as part of the secondments plan of the project.