Lucas Leal, currently PhD student at LASER, just came back from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, where he presented a paper at the IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2019).

The paper, titled The SAMBA Approach for Self-Adaptive Model-Based Online Testing of Services Orchestrations, is the result of a collaboration with the University of Firenze, Italy, where he will also enroll for a double degree (duplo-diploma) PhD course.

Continue reading LASER at COMPSAC 2019

Talk by Dr. András Vörös

On last Friday we received the visit of Dr. András Vörös from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, who gave a talk on his research activities. The talk addressed various aspect of the modeling and verification of embedded systems, using model-driven techniques.

András and the Fault-Tolerant Systems Research Group are part of the recently started ADVANCE project, in which the LASER team is also involved. As part of his work on the project, András is spending one month in Brazil, working with researchers of INPE in São José dos Campos (SP) and in Natal (RN).

Best Paper at WTF 2019

A paper co-authored by LASER researchers received the Best Paper Award at the XX Brazilian Workshop on Testing and Fault Tolerance (Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas, WTF 2019), co-located with SBRC 2019, the annual Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, in the beautiful city of Gramado, RS.

The paper, entitled Towards trustworthy cloud service selection: monitoring and assessing data privacy addressed the problem of how to make users trust cloud services, that is, how to make the latter more trustworthy. In particular, we worked on a method to monitor and evaluate the privacy provided by a cloud application.

The paper is part of the ATMOSPHERE project and the result of a collaboration with the SEIS group of the Faculty of Technology (FT) of UNICAMP in Limeira.


The LASER team presented two papers at CIBSE 2019, the XXII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, in Havana, Cuba.

On Wednesday, Caique presented the paper Towards a healthier collaboration at the business-development interface, in which the problem of achieving a better collaboration between the business and the development staff within a software project is investigated.

On Thursday, Breno presented the paper The RoCS Framework to Support the Development of Autonomous Robots, in which we investigated the need for software architectures and development frameworks in the robotics domain, in a joint work with the Laboratory of Robotics and Cognitive Systems (LaRoCS). We are also happy to mention that this paper was best paper candidate for the Software Engineering Track (SET), and it finally placed 3rd.

ADVANCE Kick-Off Meeting

The “Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems” (ADVANCE) research project has started this year with the participation of researchers from LASER, working on the challenges of future cyber-physical systems.

ADVANCE is an Horizon 2020 project, funded by the European Union under the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) scheme, in which research is performed by exchange of researchers between the partners and transfer of knowledge activities.

The Kick-Off meeting of the project and first Transfer of Knowledge workshop were held in Florence, Italy, in the beginning of February 2019.

The ADVANCE Team in Florence
Continue reading ADVANCE Kick-Off Meeting

LASER (Laboratory for Software Engineering and Reliability) is a research lab of the Institute of Computing at UNICAMP. Involving both theoretical and applied research, the LASER is interested in topics having a high impact on the Software and Systems Engineering research communities, as well as their application and transference to Industry.

Areas of Interest
Software Architecture and Microservices
Continuous Software Engineering (Agile, DevOps, and Lean)
Experimental Software Engineering
Model-Driven Engineering (MDA/MDE)
Software Testing (Performance, Robustness, and Security)
Performance and Dependability Evaluation
Fault-tolerant/Resilient Systems

Here, we have a presentation about lab activities (Portuguese only).
